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上传时间: 2013-06-19 03:45:19
更新时间: 2018-01-16 06:18:18
下载次数: 1219

For over 30 years lineman, technicians and installers have used our tools to prepare all types of wire and cable. All tools are designed to promote safety and productivity on the job. The Ripley Company, with its worldwide stocking distribution network, is your best single source for cable preparation tools.
Ripley Company’s three product lines are Utility Tool™, Cablematic® and Miller®.
Utility Tool™ manufactures cable preparation tools to splice and terminate cable for the transmission and distribution industry and electrical construction and maintenance. All tools are designed and manufactured to meet specific cable application needs, including accurate removal of insulation, semi-conductive sheathing, protective jacketing and other materials to produce consistent, uniform preparation of cable ends for splicing and termination.

Cablematic® offers quality cable preparation tools for the CATV, Telecommunications and Wireless industries. Cablematic tools prepare trunk and distribution cables in addition to drop and messengered cables. The Cablematic product line includes coring and stripping tools, drop cable trimmers and compression and crimp tools for all kinds of drop and messengered cables and associated connectors.

Miller®, comprised of tools for the Fiber Optic and Telecom industries, offers wire cutters, and slitters for all types of small wire, cable and fiber optic cable. Miller tools feature quality precision, engineered products, assuring clean and accurate strips.



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