Novopress is since 1969 known as a manufacturer of high quality, which offer economic advantages by long lifetime and fast and easy handling. The product range started with power tools for the electrical industry but grew soon: 1972 Novopress invented the first pressing tools to connect metal pipes and fittings and was the pioneer in this area. Since this time Novopress is the leading manufacturer of pressing tool for the pipe connecting technology.
The area of power tools for the electrical industry still grew and was developed further on. Beside the pressing of cable connectors the current main competence is the processing of bus bars for the industrial switch cabinet construction.
Your benefit - Our experience
more than 40 years competence technology leader pioneer in the press-technology Your requirements - Our solution
Busbar processing up to 160 mm Pipe connecting technology up to 169 mm Radial and axial pressing technology for all materials
Your demands - Our product state of the art technology easiest handling ergonomic design high ergonomic value Your success - Our quality proven working safety long life-time long warranty period reliable service performance competent consulting We have the perfect solution for you !
For power tools and machines in the electrical industry or for any requirements in pipe connecting technology is novopress the strong partner right at your side. Have benefit from our state of the art technologies, the qualified staff and the close cooperation with our partners.
Practice-oriented and innovative tooling ensures your success.
Convince yourself with the extraordinary and complete service Novopress offers.
剥皮器|液压切刀|棘轮切刀|冲孔机|螺母破切器|电缆弯曲器|电缆校直器|电缆打磨机|母线弯曲机|母线切断机|磁力钻|液压泵|油缸|液压扳手|气动扳手|带锯机|铰接式切管机|压接钳|剥除器|液压切刀|棘轮切刀|冲孔机|充电式液压压接钳|充电式液压压接机|电缆剥皮器|螺母破碎机|螺帽破碎机|线缆弯曲器|电缆校直器|电缆加工机|母线加工机|母线切断机|磁座钻|电动泵|液压油缸|液压扳手|气动扳手|带锯机|旋转式切管机| |